Some people who have had radiation therapy or chemotherapy to the head or neck areas may find it hard to eat because they have trouble swallowing. People who have had radiation to the breast or chest or those who have had surgery involving the larynx may also have this problem. As one lung cancer survivor said, "I had a really hard time swallowing and chewing because of the chemo. I just couldn't do it. I lived on soup and soft rice for weeks and weeks."
Relax, Ma! It s Just Poop!
The large intestine: The large intestine's main job is to remove water from the undigested matter and form solid waste (poop) to be excreted. The large intestine includes three parts:
Some people believe that weed makes you poop more, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Some users may experience an increase in bowel movements when they smoke weed, but this is likely due to the fact that cannabis relaxes the body and mind, which can lead to improved digestion. There is no evidence to suggest that weed specifically causes increased bowel movements.
If your child is suffering from encoporesis, skid marks, poop accidents, and/or constipation, give the therapists at Fusion Wellness and Physical Therapy a call today!
Handling your rabbit is something that you will need to learn to do correctly though, just as with any pet, you will need to keep an eye on their health, check eyes, noses, ears, nails, and bottoms!
A reverse Kegel is a simple exercise that works the muscles in your pelvic floor area. Reverse Kegels can relax, stretch, and lengthen these muscles. Both men and women can perform reverse Kegel exercises, although they will have different effects.
The other option is surgery to create a colostomy, bringing the end of the large intestine through a special opening in the abdomen so that it drains into an attached bag. "People rarely choose this option. They'd rather wear an adult diaper. But people who choose surgery seem to get their freedom back. They just empty the bag when it gets full," Dr. Irani says. "Colostomy is especially helpful for people who are in a wheelchair and can't get to the bathroom frequently," Dr. Staller adds.
The best way to know when to sit him down for the potty? Track when he usually poops, whether on the potty or in his undies. See if you can find a pattern, like pooping first thing in the morning or right after he wakes up after a nap. You can then integrate sitting on the potty during these times.
Whether with pull ups or undies, you might find yourself tossing the whole thing away in the trash after a poop accident. But use the accident as a learning moment and discard the poop in the toilet, with your toddler nearby to watch.
In the meantime, you can help him along by having set times for him to use the potty and incorporating potty use into your routine. When you do, give him plenty of time alone to relax his body and not feel pressured to poop.
Dogs who act aggressively toward people other than family members are not confused. They are scared. They have what is known as fear-aggression and are trying to keep away supposedly scary people (and other dogs) by barking and engaging in other threatening tactics. Those dogs need to be kept away from what frightens them and desensitized in a step-wise manner, just like dogs with noise phobia or separation anxiety.
My 9-year-old rescue dog has suddenly become almost antisocial. Whereas she used to be very social and always wanted to be by our side (my husband or me), she now avoids us. She has always escaped to another run in the house if we argued but now she just wants to stay outside and does not want to come inside. We have not been arguing now for two weeks but she still is not acting normal. If we go out, she comes in, if we come in she goes out. It is like she hates us now. Yet sometimes she will actually love and kiss on us or play with us but not for long. My vet gave her trazodone and it seems it may help a bit. What else can we do?
droite (n.f.) right. Tourne à la droite après l'église. (Turn (to the) right after the church.) (adv.) directly; just; right. Je l'ai trouvé droite devant la maison. (I found it just in front of the house.) Variant pronunciations:[DRWAHT][DRWET] [DRET]. Variant spelling to reflect pronunciation variants: drète.
manquer (v.t.) 1. to miss. Il a tiré trop vite et il a manqué le canard. (He shot too fast and he missed the duck.)[Typically s'ennuyer is the verb used for the sentiment of missing a person emotionally.] manquer de + infinitive to just miss or almost (do something). J'ai manqué de me casser une jambe quand j'ai tombé. (I almost broke a leg when I fell.)
Different veterinary offices will experience different traffic-flow patterns, so just give the office a ring, explain that you have a anxious or reactive doggo, and ask for an appointment during the calmest time possible.
If your dog has severe anxiety, you may want to discuss using an anti-anxiety medication with your veterinarian. There are a lot of dog anxiety medications available, and they may just help your dog cope with the stress a little better. This could make the visit a little more enjoyable for everyone.
Rabbits poop a lot. Once you have a pet rabbit, this becomes all too apparent when you find their little cocoa puff poops scattered around your home. Most rabbits can be litter trained relatively easily. However, some rabbits are a little more stubborn and will continue to leave their poops outside their litter box.
The best way to prevent your rabbit from pooping everywhere is to get them spayed or neutered. This will reduce the territorial instincts that cause the rabbit to scatter their droppings. You should also make sure they have a welcoming and easy-to-reach litter box available at all times.
Even the most well-behaved, litter-trained rabbit will still leave an occasional poo outside of their litter box. If your rabbit ever gets surprised, excited, or scared, they may temporarily forget their litter box manners and leave a poop behind.
A rabbit who is exploring a new place for the first time will also scatter a couple of poops around to claim the new territory as their own. However, this behavior should stop after your rabbit feels comfortable in the new space.
Rabbits are more likely to spread territorial droppings if they share an area with other pets. This is especially common if they share a play area with other rabbits who they are not bonded to. For example, when I volunteer with rescue rabbits they are let out for exercise one at a time in a play area. The rabbits will always leave poop scattered about because the place smells like other rabbits.
Mushy, oatmeal-like poop is another telltale sign of diarrhea or intestinal inflammation. Keep eating fiber and introduce bacteria-rich foods, like yogurt and kombucha, to keep regular. Dr. Malkoff-Cohen says, "Think BRAT diet: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. These foods can help firm up the poo."
I told a neighbor I was thinking of maybe doing a CNA course in a few weeks, and they told me "why would you want to clean poop off people for a living? That's all they do, you know, right?" This was from a nurse! That kind of made me wonder if this is really something I should bother even pursuing. I get that it's part of the job, but I didn't realize it's the MAIN part. Is this true?
ETA: No, i'm not afraid to clean poop, I've cleaned tons in my 11 years as a mom, I have no issues with it. I just don't want it to be the only part of my job as a CNA, which this nurse told me it will be. I want to know if she's just trying to talk me out of a CNA course. She thinks I should just go right into nursing, which isn't in the cards with my young family right now. BTDT.
Yes, you have to clean up poop, as well as anything else that comes out of an orifice. As a CNA, I've cleaned many a person up. However, I wouldn't focus on that as the main part of the job, saying that's "all I do". CNA's do many things, such as vital signs, ambulation, assisting people to eat, etc.
Thank you! I really would love to work in peds or labor and delivery or postparum. I'm a birth doula already so I've had to help clean up many labor patients in the past, it's not a big deal. She kept insisting all the do is clean poop, that the nurses call them in the rooms just to clean code browns. I was kind of rude the way she kept saying it too.
She must have been in some kind of a special funk that day to keep insisting that all CNA's do is poop duty. You can even luck out and find a position where poop duty is rare or nonexistent. Go for the CNA course, you will benefit.
Thank you! I can see there are some really special CNAs on here. Maybe she had a bad day...or maybe she is just a grouchy snotty nurse! I don't know her well, we just moved here a few months ago and she works a lot. Maybe that's why shes grouchy! ;-)
Relax. I've done the work and, except for those with some intestinal woes, pooping isn't that big a part of the job. Depending on your number of patients and their situations, t's likely to come in a messy way once a shift or less. That's just a few minutes out of eight hours. It's even less an issue if they're able to get to a toilet, with or without assistance.
All you need to do is look at yourself. How often do you poop in eight hours? Probably once or less. Stuck in a hospital with less than delicious food, people eat less and thus have less needs to go. Drugs and surgeries can even leave them constipated. When I had a hernia surgery a few years back, I didn't poop for days, long after I went home.
Peeing is a much bigger time demand. IVs often means lots of fluids going in and you're like to be expected to track urine volume to make sure fluid out remains close to fluid in. But that's far less messy than dealing with poops. For guys, it's usually little more than handing them a urinal.
Unfortunately, our head nurse was a hyper-critical, authoritarian idiot. She an I clashed regularly when I put my patient's actual needs over checking linen changes boxes. I had one occasion where a boy of about 11 arrived early on a Thursday afternoon with a preliminary diagnosis of leukemia, which is very bad news. Normally, by that time the next day most of his workups would have been completed and our specialists would be discussing with the boy and his parents what treatment meant. Alas, in his case, there was a big medical conference going on. A full day after the boy and his parents had arrived, they'd still not seen a physician, just a resident who hurried in, apologized for the delay, and left. 2ff7e9595c